The loomSDK Developers team
recordSDK embedSDK

loomSDK Public Beta

AUTHOR: The loomSDK Developers team

Welcome the loomSDK Public Beta – the easiest and most reliable way to add screen and cam recording to your own products — all for free. The SDK enables your users to record, embed, view, and interact with Loom videos directly within web apps, adding clarity and context to any workflow. Our CTO and Co-Founder Vinay Hiremath shares more in this post.

Register to get access here.

Companies like Trello, Hugo, Linear, Trainual, and MarkUp are already building with the SDK, here's an example of what it will look like in Trello.

Trello_Render (1).gif

If you're already in the beta, subscribe to this feed! We'll be posting regular updates on fixes, improvements, and new releases.

We can't wait to see everything you build with video messaging 👊

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