The loomSDK Developers team

loomSDK Changelog: Week of July 30

AUTHOR: The loomSDK Developers team

The Loom Platform team has been busy rolling out continuous improvements to the recordSDK. Thanks, Beta Partners, for all the feedback you've provided so far - please keep it coming! Everyone at Loom loves hearing about your creative ideas for how you're implementing Loom video functionality.

This is the first of a new weekly update on new releases. Please check here for the latest, and as always, reach out to Loom if you have any questions.


Update camera controls for consistency with Chrome Extension.


Fixes another bug with the third party cookie check.


Fixes a bug with the third party cookie check in the isSupported method.


Adds a consent statement for non-authenticated (guest) users prior to recording.


Breaking change in `isSupported` function, which is now async. It also adds a check if third party cookies are enabled by the user (which is required for the SDK to work, and is disabled by default in Chrome's incognito view). Please see the updated docs for details.


It's possible for a user not to realize they've prevented the SDK from access the camera and mic; this release introduces a new UI flow to inform the user of this state.


Upon reports of high HTTP traffic generated by the SDK, this release updates analytics to reduce the number of calls being made by the SDK


Add a link to the error panel view to contact Loom support.


Bug fix for the new camera bubble styles.


New camera bubble and camera control button styles!


Previous to this version, the SDK was... a little too chatty with console logging. This release significantly reduces logging. It also addresses some edge case bugs with authentication in the pre-recording panel.


Copying to clipboard (whether by clicking the copy button, or by clicking the insert button) did not work properly in all cases, and is now fixed!


Do you use TypeScript, or a TypeScript friendly editor? Now you can see the type signatures of the loom-sdk! The SDK is written in TypeScript, but this version is the first that includes the exported type signatures.


Previous to this release, authenticated Loom users may have been prevented from recording due to account limits. Now, those limits never prevent a recording with the SDK! If a user is authenticated, they can always record; Guests are still required to signup or sign in after their fifth free recording via a particular instance of the SDK.


The SDK now exposes a onLifecycleUpdate hook to consumers, which allows host code to be notified of state transitions within the SDK user flow (like opening the recording panel or starting and stopping a recording). See the SDK docs for details.


Fixes a bug where the OAuth window could be prevented from popping up, interfering with sign up and sign in.


This release exposes a property for checking the SDK "status" (e.g. is it loaded successfully?) See docs for possible statuses!

There's also some UX improvements:

  • graceful degradation when the SDK fails to load

  • improved messaging for recording limits

  • icons for email providers and SSO


This release reduces the bundle size of the sdk. Hooray for slimmer downloads.


Fixes a visual bug in the SDK for signing in.


Reduces the bundle size of the SDK, and fixes an edge case in the recording time limit.


Improves the performance of the cam bubble.


Shows member video limit in pre-recording menu, and updates SDK dependencies


We discovered an issue where sites relying on the styling library "emotion" could see style bugs if loading the SDK dynamically. This release handles the upstream bug with emotion.

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